August 16, 2022
Minimally Invasive Treatments for Golfer’s Shoulder
Golfer’s shoulder is a common condition that affects the rotator cuff and muscles of the shoulder. It can occur due to repetitive movements such as swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, or playing tennis.
If you experience pain in your shoulder, you likely have a golfer’s or swimmer’s shoulder condition. The pain may be categorized as acute or chronic. While various factors can cause this condition, the leading cause is overuse and injury to the top end of your rotator cuff (the area where your arm meets your shoulder).
If left untreated, a golfer’s shoulder can progressively worsen, leading to severe damage to the joint.
What Is Golfer’s Shoulder?
A golfer’s shoulder is a condition caused by repetitive shoulder motions. It is characterized by inflammation and pain that can be severe enough to limit daily activities. The condition is found primarily in athletes and people who work in professions requiring repetitive shoulder motions.
3 Minimally Invasive Treatments for Golfer’s Shoulder
Minimally invasive treatments can cause less damage to the bones and tissues than open surgery but might not be as effective at restoring full range of motion.
Surgery has risks, too — even with minimally invasive techniques, there’s always some risk involved — so you should ask lots of questions about what happens during these procedures before making any decisions about how to treat your condition. There are three minimally invasive treatments for the golfer’s shoulder.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a natural blood product that contains healing factors. It treats chronic pain, tendonitis, arthritis, and injuries.
Injecting PRP into the shoulder can help the body repair cartilage and connective tissue. The treatment may help relieve pain associated with the golfer’s shoulder, but it won’t fix the underlying problem that caused your symptoms in the first place.
Corticosteroid Injection
Corticosteroid injections are used to treat inflammation. They have been used for decades, and they can be effective in helping reduce the symptoms of a golfer’s shoulder.
The goal of a corticosteroid injection is to reduce pain and inflammation by decreasing swelling. A corticosteroid is injected directly into your shoulder joint, although it may also be given as a shot that travels through other parts of your body (such as the hip or knee) before reaching the joint, causing you pain.
A corticosteroid injection is often done by an orthopedist or family doctor who specializes in treating joints, ligaments, and tendons — but not always! If you’re considering getting this treatment done by a specialist rather than an internist or general practitioner (GP), ask them about their credentials first to know what kind of experience they have treating golfers’ shoulders specifically.
Which Treatment Is Right for You?
PRP injections are the most common treatment for the golfer’s shoulder. During a PRP injection, blood is drawn from your arm and centrifuged to separate the plasma (red blood cells and platelets) from the rest of your blood. The plasma is then injected into your shoulder joint to stimulate healing.
This procedure can be conducted on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia, so you’ll need someone to drive you home after the procedure. You can return to work within one day or so after having this type of treatment done.
Minimally invasive treatments are less painful and more effective than surgery, more cost-effective than surgery, and less invasive than surgery. You can get a consultation and treatment in one visit.
With so many different treatment options available, choosing the right one for your needs is essential. You can do this by engaging a specialist who can help guide you through the various options. If you are experiencing chronic pain in your shoulder that hasn’t improved with over-the-counter medications, fill out the form below to contact our office today!