December 20, 2022
How Are Obesity and Osteoarthritis Connected?
Obesity is a worldwide pandemic affecting several individuals globally. The WHO estimates from 2008 disclosed that more than 300 million and 200 million women and men respectively are obese.
Usually, obesity is linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases. Its impact on the musculoskeletal system includes both the inflammatory and degenerative conditions with a big burden resulting from osteoarthritis.
Obesity is the biggest modifiable risk factor for osteoarthritis. We will help you understand more about obesity and osteoarthritis. If you want to know to what degree obesity contributes to osteoarthritis, read on to find out;
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis popularly known as (OA) is a well-known chronic joint condition. Generally, a joint is where two bones meet or come together. On the other hand, cartilage is a protective tissue that covers the end of the bones. Therefore, with osteoarthritis, this cartilage normally breaks down making the bones within the joint rub together. When this happens, it causes stiffness, pain, and other symptoms.
Usually, this condition attacks any joint. Nonetheless, the most affected parts include the following;
- Knees,
- Hands
- Shoulder
- Hips
- Spine at the lower back or neck
- Fingers
Obesity and Osteoarthritis
Typically, Osteoarthritis has been the most common type of arthritis. However, currently, the rates are higher than ever. According to Stephen Messier, the increase in OA is directly proportional to the increase in obesity. That means; that being just 10 or 15 pounds overnight may impact a lot of pressure on your knees, which increases the chances of suffering from OA, or worsening the condition if you already have it.
Also, excess fat may speed up the destruction of cartilage in the body, leading to OA. How obesity contribute to osteoarthritis? Let’s find out;
Pressure on Joints
It is hard to find extra pounds on joints. Thus the more you weigh, the more damaged your joints will become. For instance, the knees of a healthy individual tend to absorb about 1.5 pounds of force with each step they make.
When you are affected with OA, your knees take even more of a beating. Also, the pressure in the joints will tend to increase dramatically when you move up and down the stairs or squat. Therefore, when you are obese, doing such activities might be hard.
OA and Inflammation
Fats normally release inflammation-causing proteins. Aside from that, fat is chemically active and usually travels through your entire body and causes it a little inflamed everywhere, especially in your joints. Therefore, the inflammation in your joints is more likely to cause osteoarthritis.
If you want to know more about obesity and osteoarthritis, the team at BrioMD is competent enough and skilled with certified specialists who will offer you quality treatment and recommendations on how to alleviate obesity and osteoarthritis.
Contact us today to slate an appointment with one of our experts. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you to fight obesity and osteoarthritis.