September 27, 2022

Alternative Therapies for Hip Surgery

Hip surgery is an effective treatment method for patients with degenerative hip problems to improve mobility and eliminate pain. However, not all hip problems need to go the theater way, especially if the condition has not reached its advanced stages. Patients need to explore effective non-surgical alternative conservative therapies to treat hip issues such as hip arthritis.

If you are experiencing a degenerative hip problem and are concerned about the whole surgery process, consider some recommended alternatives before settling on theater.

Alternative Therapies for Hip Surgery

1.    Cellular Therapy

The therapy option uses bone marrow-derived autologous cells to treat patients, particularly those with significant hip damage causing them chronic pain and discomfort. The cell regeneration process in the affected hip area may be low, and conducting cell therapy by injecting the cells into affected hip tissues and ligaments will significantly increase regeneration and fasten healing. The therapy process has an average success rate of 72.4% improvement in patients, and the procedure may take a day to several weeks, depending on one’s situation. 

2.    Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

PRP therapy involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into the affected hip area to increase the healing process. Blood is withdrawn from the patients. Platelets are extracted and injected into the affected hip tendons, ligaments, joints and muscle tissues to increase healing. The injection is directed by ultrasound imaging to ensure that the right areas are enriched with their own platelets, reducing any negative reactions, such as inflammation, since the body cannot reject its platelets. 

3.    Prolotherapy Injections

This treatment option has gained popularity in recent years with significant success rates amongst patients who use it. The alternative to surgery involves dextrose injection on the affected soft connective tissues and ligaments to stimulate regeneration and increase the healing process. Prolotherapy injection has a high success rate amongst patients, particularly those with a labral tear. Connective tissues and tendons do not regenerate quickly and need stimulation by injecting simple sugar solutions. The therapy method is continuous and may take some time for one to properly heal, depending on a patient’s situation.

4.    Cartilage Transplant

This is a new option and still experimental since it has not yet been fully put into use. In this procedure, the clinician may grow cartilage on the damaged area and stimulate cartilage in the affected area to grow naturally and enhance healing, particularly for patients with osteoarthritis.

Why Hip Therapy?

Hip surgery often comes with its share of concerns, including costs and side effects that patients worry about. In addition, hip surgery and replacement may be life-alternating experiences that patients are not ready to embrace. Therefore, it is essential to consider therapy options that are effective in relieving chronic pain and have a shorter recovery time. The therapy options also allow patients to partake in their average daily activities with fewer interruptions actively.

If you are experiencing any chronic (hip) pain and need management relief through therapy, BrioMD is here to assist you. BrioMD offers consultations and services for pain management and interceptive treatment for patients to lead less painful and high-quality lives. For further inquiries, fill out the form below to reach our team.


September 27, 2022


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