November 22, 2022

Chronic Migraine Treatments

There are different types of chronic migraines. You can have a migraine without aura or with aura. In either case, you may have other symptoms that make it challenging to live life as usual. This article will explore some treatment options available for people with chronic migraines.

Chronic Migraines 

  • Chronic migraine is a headache that lasts for at least 15 days per month, and it’s not due to another condition.
  • It can cause disability and interfere with everyday activities, such as work.
  • Chronic migraines are more common in women than men.

Migraines are a type of headache caused by changes in the brain’s blood vessels. Migraines can be triggered by stress, poor sleep, or certain foods. For some people, there is no trigger for their migraines.

Symptoms of Chronic Migraines

some of the symptoms include:

  • Headache: The most common symptom of chronic migraine is a pounding or throbbing head pain. Depending on the person’s sensitivity, this can be mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: These symptoms are often associated with increased pain levels during an attack and may occur before or after the headache develops. They may also be present for several hours after the attack has passed.
  • Blurred Vision: While some people who suffer from chronic migraines report that they see spots when they’re having an aura (an electrical discharge from the brain), others don’t experience this symptom but still have issues with their vision during a migraine attack.* Sensitivity To Light And Sound: This can include light sensitivity and difficulty concentrating in bright conditions such as sunlight or fluorescent lights.* Fatigue: If you have chronic migraines, then you know how exhausting they can be!

Why Do People have Chronic Migraines?

Various factors can contribute to chronic migraine. Some people have a genetic predisposition, while others may have a medical condition or lifestyle choice that causes migraines. Chronic migraines can be difficult to treat and manage. If you think you suffer from chronic migraines and want more information, check out here.

Chronic Migraine Treatments

While there are many treatment options, they all have their drawbacks. Medication is usually the first choice for migraine sufferers because it’s effective and relatively affordable. However, some people don’t respond well to this option or find that their symptoms continue even when they’re on medication.

Therapy—including behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and other methods—can also be helpful for some patients with chronic migraines who have trouble taking care of themselves during an episode or experience side effects from medications (such as weight gain). 

Suppose a patient cannot use these methods at home due to mobility issues or other limitations in daily life activities such as cooking meals or getting dressed regularly. In that case, therapy may be beneficial in helping them cope better with their symptoms so they can get through them without needing additional assistance outside of work hours.”

However, other options are available if you suffer from chronic migraines and want to avoid medication or therapy. One common choice is acupuncture. Acupuncture can be used with other treatments or on its own to manage pain and reduce symptoms of an acute migraine episode.

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Many different chronic migraine treatment options are available, and it can take time to figure out which one is right for you. BrioMD has a team of experts who can help you determine which treatment plan will work best for your needs. If you’re struggling with chronic migraines, don’t hesitate to contact BrioMD for help.

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November 22, 2022


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